Cycling With Contact Lenses (Quick Guide)

If you’re an avid cyclist, you know the importance of clear vision while on the road. 

Whether you’re commuting to work or going for a leisurely ride, being able to see clearly is essential for your safety and enjoyment. 

If you wear glasses, you may have considered switching to contact lenses for cycling. But is it a good idea?

Cycling with contact lenses is completely safe and is a lot better than wearing glasses.

In this post, I’ll compare contacts vs prescription bike glasses, and I’ll give you some tips for cycling with contact lenses. You’ll also get the scoop on the best contact lens for cycling.

Can I Cycle With Contact Lenses?

Yes, you can cycle with contact lenses, and many cyclists do so without any problems. In fact, cycling with contact lenses can offer several benefits.

Can I Cycle With Contact Lenses

One of the main benefits of cycling with contact lenses is that they provide a wider field of vision compared to glasses.

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With glasses, the frames can obstruct your peripheral vision, making it harder to see objects or obstacles on the road. Contact lenses, on the other hand, sit directly on your eyes, allowing you to see everything around you without any obstructions.

Plus, they don’t fog up!

Another benefit of cycling with contact lenses is that they are more secure. 

When you cycle with glasses, they can easily slip down your nose or fall off your face, especially if you sweat or if the weather is hot.

Contact lenses, however, stay firmly in place, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out during your ride.

Potential Challenges Of Cycling With Contact Lenses

While cycling with contact lenses can be beneficial, there are some potential challenges that you should be aware of.

One of the main challenges is that your eyes can become dry, especially if you are cycling in windy or dusty conditions.

Dry eyes can cause discomfort, irritation, and even blurred vision, which can be dangerous when cycling.

Another issue with wind blowing into your eyes is that it makes it easier for a contact to become dislodged or moved out of place on your eye.

Allergens and particulate matter in the air can also get caught under your contacts while riding, causing irritation and discomfort. You may have to stop frequently to reposition lenses or flush your eyes.

Contact lenses can also become dirty or contaminated with bacteria, especially if you touch your eyes or face during your ride.

Another consideration is the need to bring contact lens supplies like a solution, a mirror, and case with you when cycling.

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Having to carry and keep track of these extra items can be inconvenient.

You also have to take the time to properly insert and remove contact lenses before and after each ride.

Prescription Cycling Glasses Vs Contacts

FeaturePrescription GlassesContact Lenses
Vision QualityGood, but not as sharp as contacts for stronger prescriptionsVery clear, sharp vision
Field of ViewCan be restricted by frameWide peripheral vision
ConvenienceJust put on and go, no need to swap lensesNo glasses to carry, nothing on face
ComfortCan slide down face when sweatingCan dry out or shift on eye
Eye ProtectionProtect from wind, debris getting in eyesEyes more exposed to elements
CareKeep glasses clean and scratch-freeMust carry a solution, case, mirror, etc.
CostMore affordable, but still an extra expenseMore expensive prescription

Best Contact Lenses For Cycling

Not all contact lenses are created equal, and some are better suited for cycling than others. Here are some of the best contact lenses for cycling we recommend:

1. DAILIES AquaComfort PLUS

These lenses are made from a high-quality polymer called Senofilcon A, which keeps your eyes hydrated and comfortable throughout the day.

They also provide excellent UV protection, which is crucial for cyclists who spend long hours outdoors.

Another great feature of these lenses is that they are disposable, so you can wear one every day.

2. Air Optix Night & Day Aqua

If you’re looking for a contact lens that you can wear for extended periods of time, Air Optix Night & Day Aqua lenses are a great choice.

They are made from a highly breathable material that allows plenty of oxygen to reach your eyes, and they are designed to be worn continuously for up to 30 days.

They also provide excellent UV protection.

3. Acuvue Oasys 1-Day

Acuvue Oasys 1-Day lenses are another great option for cyclists.

They are made from a breathable material that allows oxygen to flow freely to your eyes, which helps prevent dryness and irritation.

They also provide excellent UV protection and are designed to stay in place even during high-intensity activities.

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Tips For Cycling With Contact Lenses

Here are some of my best tips for cycling with contact lenses:

Tips For Cycling With Contact Lenses

Before the Ride

  • Avoid flimsy lenses that are prone to folding or shifting.
  • Make sure your contacts are a proper fit and freshly cleaned before inserting.
  • Use rewetting drops before putting lenses in to boost comfort.
  • Bring backup glasses in case you need to remove contacts.
  • Pack extra contact lens solution and a mirror.

During the Ride

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses to protect eyes from wind and debris.
  • Blink frequently to keep contacts moisturized.
  • Stop to rewet contacts with solution if they feel dry.
  • Pause riding and remove contacts if they become irritating. Switch to backup glasses.
  • Avoid rubbing eyes vigorously – gently flush out any specks rinsed in by wind.

After the Ride

  • Remove contacts gently and clean thoroughly with solution.
  • Use preservative-free rewetting drops to soothe eyes after riding.
  • Limit consecutive contact lens wear time after cycling.
  • Give eyes a break by wearing glasses after long rides.
  • Stay hydrated and limit alcohol which can dry eyes out.


Can You Do Sports With Contact Lens?

Absolutely! Contact lenses offer numerous benefits for athletes as they provide clear and unobstructed vision, unlike glasses that can shift or fog up.

Does Sweat Affect Contact Lenses?

Yes, excessive sweating can affect contact lenses. It causes issues like dislodging lenses, drying out eyes, depositing debris, increasing irritation, raising infection risk, and damaging lens surfaces over time.

Certified bike mechanic based in Orlando, Florida. With over 15 years of knowledge and experience in the industry, I can help you diagnose issues and fix them.

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